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Mandarin Oranges (Canned Mandarin  Oranges, Mandarin Orange Cups, IQF Mandarin Oranges)

Camerican has been importing canned mandarin oranges since the early 1950’s when post-war trade with Japan began. Producing canned mandarins is a labor-intensive process, and as Japan’s economy boomed, the canned mandarin business migrated to Korea and then to Spain, where for many years Camerican was one of the largest buyers.

During the 1980’s, canned mandarin production began to expand in China, with its abundant cheap labor, and once again Camerican pioneered the introduction of Chinese canned mandarins into the US market. By the 1990’s China had become by far the world’s largest producer. Through close collaboration with select Chinese manufacturers, our QA and Supplier Development Team helped them develop and implement GMP and HACCP programs so that we could provide our demanding customer-base with quality-assured product produced in facilities meeting the highest standards of food safety and food security.
Camerican offers Canned Mandarin Oranges, Mandarin Orange Cups and IQF Mandarin Oranges.


China, Spain

Styles Offered


Packaging Offered

Broken Mandarin Oranges
Whole Mandarin Oranges in Light Syrup
Whole Mandarin Oranges in Mandarin Juice
Whole Mandarin Oranges in Pear Juice


Canned Mandarin Oranges
Mandarin Orange Cups
IQF Mandarin  Oranges